Happy New Year!
I can’t quite believe it is already 2017 – last year seemed to fly past in a whirlwind blur?! Thank you so much for your texts, messages and emails, here and on social media re my back and the surgery. I can say, from the bottom of my heart, that your words meant so much to me. It can be so hard to keep up with business and blog posts and emails when you are hurting on the outside – so your support, and understanding, mean the world.
I made it home in time for Christmas, and we had a visit from Santa. The girls are at that really special age, and Santa and Christmas is simply magical. I’m recovering really quickly, and really well. I can move so much more freely now and have slowly begun to get back to work. I’ve been drawing and reading, and spending some time simply being. I’ve started some new quilts, drawn my second collection and just ‘tinkered’ in my studio space.
I’ve made a point this year to simplify, and to focus on the things that make me smile. I’ve got some exciting announcements to share, but I’m working hard on letting go of some of the overwhelm of it. This space, and this little growing business is simply me living and playing out my dream. Which to me is kind of a big deal! But its also just me – a farmer’s wife, a mumma and a teacher. Just Keera. I share what I love with you, and I’m so blessed to get to hear your stories and see you achieve your dreams as well. Its more than just a quilt you or I make.
So, in light of my time reflecting on last year, and gearing up for another big (yet simpler) one, I vow to continue to share with you what I know. There will be more behind-the-scenes posts; there will be more collaboration with you and sharing some of the ways I work. I want to sew along with you. I want to be inspired by you. I want to inspire you.
I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say because of you I didn’t give up.
May the new year bring you joy; may it be filled with family, friends and the things that make you smile.