Whoah! What a whirlwind year!!
2016 has bought so many wild, and amazing adventures – it’s been manic, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
We moved interstate in May, part-renovated our new home and I started teaching again all in the space of 6 weeks. We’re home though, and I’m loving raising my girls in the same area I grew up. My new studio space is amazing, and I’m living on cloud nine when I spend time up here.
Work is busy, life is busy and I’ve sometimes found it hard to catch my breath.
LIVE.LOVE.SEW and Keera Job Design grew in spite of itself, and I have you all to thank for that. We’ve released pattern after pattern {after I told FJ I’d only do 4! 😉 }, I got to work with and collaborate with some amazing individuals and companies, and I realised my ultimate dream of licencing a fabric collection with Riley Blake Designs. Daisy Days is a beautiful first collection and I’m so, so excited to share it with you all early next year.
I’ve made new friends and met so many people working and travelling, sharing my passion for quilting and my profession of teaching. I’m excited to see so many more of you at Cotton Carnivale, Spring Quilt Market and during in-store workshops and appearances. You are what makes this happen, and I’m so pleased that I get to share it with you.
Next year will also see the launch of The Quiltmaker – a series of online tutorials in collaboration with Bernina Australia, sharing tips and techniques to create beautiful, lasting memories in your quilts. I’m excited for you to join me in my studio and to share these tutorials both here and on the Bernina platform, and welcome your thoughts and wants in terms of a collection of free quilting tutorials.
The girls have grown inches taller and are keeping us both amused and on our toes. Lil goes to Preschool next year, {and I’m coming to terms with having a baby in formal schooling!} and Poppy has just hit a beautiful super-fun {and at times frustrating age of 2!}. They, and their daddy, are the ticks in my clock, and keep me working harder each day.
As you read this, I will be having a microdiscectomy on my back to remove a nasty piece of disc fragment that has caused a spot of grief over the past three months {I love post scheduling!!}. I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to share as much with you during this time, but love that those close to me ‘have my back’, and I’m looking forward to sharing so much more with you after recovery.
Until next time, all my blessings to you and yours for a wonderful Christmas season and a safe, and successful New Year.